a little word to my family  

Diposting oleh Cyber Dee

dear mom . you must be miss something , your little son ..

to my father . Can you help me ? I can't make the essay about you

for my brother . did you remember the last time we talk ? you're my roommate do you ?

and for my twins . you just like me . close your room and bergalau ria

sampe sekarang juga gw masih suka kepikiran masa lalu gw yg kayak sampah -_-

insomnia ..  

Diposting oleh Cyber Dee

sekarang jam 2.50 . gk kerasa hampir 3 jam gw baca manga " bakuman " untungnya hari ini gk ad jadwal kuliah jadi gw bisa ngabisin waktu buat bermesraan dengan guling gw hobah !

udah lama gw gk insomnia lagi mungkin gara" hari ini hari libur jadi mata bisa melek sampe malem. Atau mungkin gara" keasikan baca komik yah dua"nya sama aj sih intinya bikin mata melek, mungkin klo mata gw gk sakit gara" ngeliat laptop terus gw bakal begadang sampe pagi

kalo insom begini gk kerasa jadi inget mantan gw si A yg pernah ngajak battle begadang
cwe gw yg sekarang mungkin gk bisa diajak begitu. tapi gpp kok toh bagi gw dia lebih baik ^-^

sebenernya sih mw nnton bola dulu tapi mata ud gk kuat --a
time to sleep
goten nath

still hoping with her altough it hopeless  

Diposting oleh Cyber Dee

hai cyber dee
numpang curhat ya soalnya gw pusing nyari temen curhatan jam segini awkwakaw :D

menghargai perasaan orang .
mungkin susah dilakuin secara banyak banget orang yg lalu lalang disekitar kita
entah temen, sahabat, ortu, pacar dll
tapi klo menghargai perasaan satu orang doank ? gk susah kayaknya

gw ud coba kok hargai setiap perasaan orang. mikir dari dua sudut pandang
yah walaupun gw yakin orang itu gk tau dan gak pernah mikir buat ngelakuin apa yg gw lakuin.
kayak si M. dee tau kan siapa tuh orang ?
mungkin emang si dia gk ngelakuin ap" di room itu
tapi tetep aj keliatannya gk enak
berduaan dalam 1 room yg dikunci ? who know's what the fucking talk with him
trus padahal gw ud capek" ke net gerimis gitu. tidur gw sampe gk nyenyak gara" nunggu sms dia gk dibales dan gw susulin ol audit tapi malah ditinggal off sama dia dengan alesan besok mau UTS what the fucki'n reason ~__________________________________________~

tadi juga cwo yg mojok sama dia sempet sms gw tapi gk gw bales *karna gw anggap itu gk penting

gw juga tadinya mau ceritain gimana perasaan gw
gw sms gk dibales mungkin dia ud tidur kle

gw capek lama". tiap hari ada aj alesan gw buat marahin dia belakangan ini

thx ya dee ud mau dengerin gw curhat

i will pray and hope she will be the better man next day ...
not for the everybody except me
cause she is mine


Diposting oleh Cyber Dee

ad yg salah ya dengan sifat santai gw...? emang ad gunanya ya buru" gitu serasa dikejar anjing rabies. orangtua tuh mestinya orang yg paling ngerti gimana sifat anaknya. emang salah ya gw jadi diri gw sendiri...? kenapa orangtua g pernah ngertiin gw..? kenapa orangtua gw paling g bisa ngeliat gw males"an dikit aj..?

selama 12 tahun ini gw blajar. dan g bisa ya gw slama 1 bulan ini nyoba tuh santai..?

haah god gw tw klo gw mestinya g kayak gini
mestinya gw bisa jaga diri gw
sperti bom waktu yg suatu saat akan meledak tanpa tahu kapan
mungkin suatu saat aku akan seperti itu
di saat itu ya Allah
berilah ketabahan kepada hamba ya Allah
kuatknlah kesabaran hamba dalam menjalani semua godaan ya Allah


YOU - Basil Valdez  

Diposting oleh Cyber Dee

You give me hope,
The strength, the will to keep on;
No one else can make me feel this way
And only you
Can bring out all the best I can do;
I believe you turn the tide
And make me feel real good inside.

You pushed me up
When I'm about to give up;
You're on my side when no one seems to listen
And if you go,
You know the tears can't help but show
You'll break this heart and tear it apart;
Then suddenly the madness starts

It's your smile,
Your face, your lips that I miss,
Those sweet little eyes that stare at me
And make me say,
I'm with you through all the way.

'Cause it's you
Who fills the emptiness in me;
It changes ev'rything, you see,
When I know I've got you with me

You pushed me up
When I'm about to give up;
You're on my side when no one seems to listen
And if you go,
You know the tears can't help but show
You'll break this heart and tear it apart;
Then suddenly the madness starts

It's your smile,
Your face, your lips that I miss,
Those sweet little eyes that stare at me
And make me say,
I'm with you through all the way.

'Cause it's you
Who fills the emptiness in me;
It changes ev'rything, you see,
When I know I've got you with me.

It's your smile,
Your face, your lips that I miss,
Those sweet little eyes that stare at me
And make me say,
I'm with you through all the way.

'Cause it's you
Who fills the emptiness in me;
It changes ev'rything, you see,
When I know I've got you with me.

numpang post lyric syapa tw bisa bwat inspirasi

People came into your life for a reason...  

Diposting oleh Cyber Dee

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a
need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a
difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you
physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and
they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then,
without any wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this
person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and
force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has
been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent
up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has
come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or
make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They
usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real.
But only for a season.!

Both of those relationship usually leaving a mark in your heart that keep us holding on to it,
Make us finding reasons after reasons cause we just cant let it go...
But what are we really holding on ? i think it's only our feelings our convenient when we were close
the word to describe is MEMORY!!!
But what can we do whit memory and feelings alone what can we protect, what can we achieve...
it's so true that Memory are PRICELESS but in the OTHERHAND it's useless cause it's keeping us from letting go, keeping us to see,hear and Feel what we wanted to..
the only way to get over it it's stop playing those memories and realize that so many GOOD things are in front of you waiting...

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must
build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to
accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use
in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love
is blind but friendship is clairvoyant .
Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a
season or a lifetime.

i'm usseless isn't it..?  

Diposting oleh Cyber Dee


kadang gw ngerasa g berguna gni ya
klo gw selalu ngerasa klo gw yg pling bner
klo gw itu slalu dibutuhin

bwad someone yg gw kecewain
sry yah ud ngecewain lu
ud buang" waktu lu bwad mikirin gw doank
kyaknya lu g g pantes bwad mikirin gw
lo slalu brarti di bwad gw
tpi gw g pernah brarti bwad lu

i'm usseless isn't it?

tpi skarang gw ud lega kok
lu ud nemuin yg baru

Now without a single tear, I’ll laugh at you
Loser who’s inside a game called love
Get on your knees and take me back
If not, get out of my sight right now